Eestimaa talvine laulupidu ehk Tartu Maraton toimub 19. veebruaril.
Lisaks traditsioonilistele Otepää-Elva 63 km ja Arula-Elva 31 km distantsidele on igal aastal Tartu Maratoni kavas ka Avatud Raja sõidud, Teatemaraton ning üritused lastele.
Rohkem informatsiooni: https://bit.ly/49TMtutvustus
Tartu Maraton is known as the Estonian Song Festival of Winter because of its grand proportions and international fame.
It brings together thousands of skiing enthusiasts every year from all corners of the world.
49. Tartu Maraton takes place on 19th of February.
The traditional 63 km marathon goes from Otepää to Elva, the smaller 31 km distance starts from Arula and finishes in Elva.
There are also Open Track event, Relay Marathon and races for children.
More information can be found from here: https://bit.ly/49TM_info